
This song is a cover of the tune made popular by Eric Clapton. I arranged it as a true piano solo, giving it a slightly new-age/easy-listening feel. A nice swing feel to this song makes it really catchy and fun to play. The solo rif in the middle of the song is my favorite part. The rocking octaves up the piano are really cool!

Due to copyright issues, I have partnered up with to facilitate all of the royalties on this song. You can listen to it on my website to get a feel for what it sounds like. To view or purchase the sheet music, you'll need to visit the link below. Please note that the pricing is fixed by SheetMusicPlus according to agreements they have made with the copyright holders of the songs. I receive 20% of proceeds, which I use to help support the costs of this website and upgrading my software and hardware to compose the music.

Here is the link to purchase the sheet music: Layla